Nova's Trial Manager Co-idk Staff App

Steam Name:Daddy Nova-chan

Discord Name: Spooky Nova#6990 (Og: Emerald Nova#6990)


Your in-game Name: Fleet Grand Admiral Nova


Languages you can speak (Must be able to speak English, but list other languages if so):English 

Total hours on GMOD:482

What country you live in?:USA


Your in-game hours in our server?:1 Day

How many hours can you do on the server? (Must give particular days and exact times from when your on the server and from when your not):Friday at 6pm Staurday all day till 10pm Sunday All day till 5pm

Do you have a mic and are you able to use it?:Yes

References (Must put names of the admins+ only and put their quote their reason for reference as proof):-

Do you know any of our current staff members? (List staff members):Rim, Fur, Ins, Friendly, Bly, Rex

What is your English Level from a scale 1-10?:9

Identify 10 personal traits about you? (List 10 personal traits): 1.) Im Cool 2.) Smart 3.) Cant get a GF 4.) Can do good events 5.) Get Depressed alot 6.) Crazy 7.) Werid 8.) Werid 9.) Emotional 10.) Nica

Have you received any warnings/kicks/bans? If so explain why for each of the punishments you recieved? (Do not put "no" if your not 100% sure and if this is the case contact a high ranking staff member to check your record, whilst in the middle of making the app): A False Warn (Trying to arrest someone who was being a bad staff)

Have you had previous experience as a staff member or higher on another community? (List communities and ranks you were on each, if not reply by saying "no" and then say that you request for a mentor) :I was Staff Manager on a server (Super Admin) Ive been Mod many times 

Why do you want to become a staff member for our server? (Must be 4-6 lines long): Well i am sort of but i would like to be Manager because ive been on the server for awhile i know some people ive made that goood idea. The staff likes me. Im good friends with the Founder/Co-Founder and ive talked to rim when big things have happened ive calmed him down and well now i think i dont want to be just a Gm i would like to be higher. I would like to do better things make the server better if i can still do my amazing events. Those are some of the reasons why i would love to go higher as staff

Why should you be chosen for this rank, over anyone else? (Must be 4-6 lines long):Well this one wont be as long but the reason why i should be chosen is because I know the staff good. I know rim good ive talked to him while he was down ive talked to him while hes been up. Another reason is im the only one applying for this really. Everyone else is pretty much fine as they are the staff who joins the server is a person with a high staff rank or with a low

What would you contribute to the server? (Must be 2-4 lines long): Well i already do. I do my events i will watch over the staff. I would come up with more ideas as staff. and much much more as people tell me.

Scenario Questions

What would you do if you saw a staff member, higher ranking than you abusing and why? 4-6 lines long): Well the higher people would be the founders but i would tell them to stop and if it were a co-founder i would report it to the founder not much to do if you are the 3rd highest.

What would you do if a fellow friend of yours was caught breaking rules and you go to the server and find another staff member that is about to punish your friend? (Must be 4-6 lines long):I dont get this Question 

What would you do if a community member is spreading rude, hateful comments about you on the forum and or in server? (Must be 4-6 lines long): If he was doing this on the server i would ban him but if he was doing it in other places i would tell him thats his thought he can say that but people shouldn't believe him they have never been on the server so they should not just listen to a person dropping hate go on the server first and see what it is all about before listening to the guy saying dont join the server its trash.

What would you do if a fellow staff member is spreading rumours about you in private to other members of staff? (Must be 4-6 lines long): I would tell them to tell me them so i can see if they are true. Cant judge a book by its cover.

What would you do if a member of staff whom had a higher rank than you asked you to punish a person on the server who you had not witnessed breaking any rules? (Must be 4-6 lines long): I wouldnt listen to them at first intill ive talked to witnesses. I would also ask other staff members should i listen and if there is some higher then that staff i would ask them first.


Do you understand that you must be active before and after if your applcation gets accpeted? (Reply with yes or no): Yea

Do you understand that once you become a staff member you won't be able to change your name that you provided above straight after being promoted? (Reply with yes or no):Yes

Do you understand that if you're in-active on either one of the following Server/Forums/Teamspeak without a valid reason you will be demoted? (Reply with yes or no):Yes

Do you understand that if you get accepted and then abuse your powers you must take responability for your actions, also you must respect the action of the staff member demoting you (They always have a good reason and reply with a yes or no):Yes

Do you understand that if this application gets denied you will be able to reapply in 2 weeks? (Reply with yes or no):Yes

Sign here by typing your name to confirm this being your Moderator Application: E. Nova
